Professional Photography Classes in Knoxville, TN

Photography Classes Near You

For those who are interested in learning all about camera settings, lighting, editing, posing clients, styling photoshoots, and finding beautiful locations. I offer photography workshops, one-on-one mentorships, online skype sessions, and editing lessons.

photography classes knoxville tn

Photography Classes

I offer photography classes in person one-on-one or online. I will bring you on a two-day shoot with models, lots of light tools, and a professional camera. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Day 1: I will take you into the field and guide you step by step to help you learn how to see lighting and teach you camera settings
  • Day 2: You will learn editing, marketing, pricing, or shoot in my studio



1 day is $500

2 days is $800

*If you are interested in only editing lessons, three hours is $300.

Interested in furthering your photography education?

Contact me at or fill out my contact form!